A Policy-Oriented Think Tank Addressing Foreign Policy and National Security Issues for a Safe Israel

Cars burned during clashes between Israeli Arabs and Jewish residents in the city of Lod

Jewish-Arab Relations in Israel: Between Conflict and Containment

The violent clashes of this month attest to the depth of national conflict between Arab and Jewish citizens of Israel. Alongside a police response to the challenge, a complementary civil response is required, including dialogue with pragmatic Arab leadership towards coexistence

Israeli police arrest a Palestinian outside the Damascus Gate of Jerusalem s Old City

A boiling cauldron

There always are tensions bubbling below the surface in Jerusalem. Unfortunately, there are political actors who purposefully stir the pot and instigate violence for religious and political reasons.

A different way of dividing the city

A different way of dividing the city.

A new Jerusalem Institute for Strategy and Security report lifts the lid on Palestinian activity that aims to undermine Israeli authority in east Jerusalem, and effectively turn its Arab residents into “citizens” of Ramallah rather than Israel.

Foreign Actors in eastern Jerusalem: A Challenge to Israeli Sovereignty in its Capital

Foreign actors have stepped-up their subversion of Israeli sovereignty in eastern Jerusalem. This includes covert and overt activities, both legal and illegal, ideological and concrete, in the civilian and security spheres. In response, the Israeli government must devise an integrated, inter-ministerial approach to this challenge; prevent illegal activities, especially illegal foreign financing; revise and rigorously implement the law which bars the Palestinian Authority from governmental activity in Jerusalem; and provide enhanced and accessible municipal services to Jerusalemite Arabs, instead of the foreign actors.

Arab Neighborhoods Beyond the Security Fence in Jerusalem

A Challenge to Israeli National Security Policy.

The construction of the security fence around Jerusalem in 2005 created a civilian, sovereignty, and security challenge in the form of “no man’s land” Arab neighborhoods located within Jerusalem but outside the security fence. No law and order obtains in these areas, and they bases of terrorist activity. This paper proposes establishing a joint administration of the IDF, Israel Police, Jerusalem municipality and the national government to increase governance and security in these neighborhoods, involving investment in education, culture, welfare and employment.

Safra Square and City Hall

Memo to the Incoming Mayor of Jerusalem: Policy Guidelines for Eastern Jerusalem

Advice for Moshe Leon, the incoming Mayor of Jerusalem: Exercise maximum sovereignty and maximal fairness, while seeking to strengthen the unity of Jerusalem; implement Government Decision 3790 to invest NIS 2.1 billion in Arab residents of eastern Jerusalem; advance plans for Jewish and Arab building beyond the 1967 lines in one package; and make higher education and high-quality employment for eastern Jerusalem residents a priority.

Fear Triumphs: On the Nonparticipation of Eastern Jerusalem Arabs in Municipal Elections

Despite the desire of Arabs in eastern Jerusalem for greater integration in Israeli life, their fear of the Palestinian Authority and its agents kept them away from the polls in October. And while seeking pragmatic and constructive integration in Jerusalem, they still adhere to the Palestinian side of the identity axis. Once again, 38% of the capital city’s residents remain outside its political arena.

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