A Policy-Oriented Think Tank Addressing Foreign Policy and National Security Issues for a Safe Israel

Egypt-Jordan-Iraq: Another Middle East Axis in the Making?

Egypt, Iraq, and Jordan seek to develop a regional bloc in the geographical center of the Arab world. But all three countries are poor and dependent in for economic largesse on more wealthy partners, so their regional aspirations and strategies will necessarily be limited.

UAE-Israel flags Judea and Samaria Illustration

Tempered Euphoria on the UAE-Israel Agreement

The deal is a clear win for Israel, the UAE and the US. Netanyahu gets a face-saving, significant reward for not doing something (annexation) he was not going to be able to do anyway in the current political/diplomatic context.

America centric world map with magnified Jordan map. Green polygonal world map.

Jordan Plays the Field

Jordan and other conservative Arab states are struggling with a difficult superpower ally and facing threats of regional escalation.

CAIRO - JUNE 30: Unidentified anti Muslim Brotherhood/Morsi protesters in Tahrir Square shout slogans calling for Morsi's resignation on June 30 2013 in Cairo Egypt.

The Second Wave?

Much ink has been and is being spilt regarding whether or not current developments in Algeria and Sudan – the second and third most populous Arab states after Egypt – constitute the Second Wave of the “Arab Spring”. But what is clear is that the second and succeeding waves of Arab Uprisings will not look the same as that of 2011.

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