A Policy-Oriented Think Tank Addressing Foreign Policy and National Security Issues for a Safe Israel

Arab Businessman Stand On Top Of Mountain With Telescope Looking For Success, Opportunities, Business Vision Concept Flat Vector Illustration

Through a Different Lens: The Mideast as Seen from Doha

At a recent conference on the Mideast economy in Doha, which included the participation of Israeli scholars, discussions highlighted changes in the regional balance of power. Acceptance of Assad’s rule in Syria is growing, but so are questions about how Syria’s rehabilitation will be financed. And some Iranians are signaling that Tehran is willing to make political compromises to alleviate economic pressures.

Ivanovsk, Russia - February 04, 2019: Palestine on the map of the world

Russia hampering Israel-Arab ties

Outwardly, Russia is loyal to the idea that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the reason for Middle East unrest. This approach raises the bar on Palestinian demands and makes normal life in the region less likely.

Flags of Venezuela, Russia and the USA on the background texture peeling paint with a crack. Horizontal frame

Venezuela: A Test Case for Russia and the US

Venezuela has become flash point between Russia and the US. The way in which America responds to Russian conduct in its backyard will influence Russia’s international conduct in the future.


Iranian-Russian Cooperation in Yemen

The Houthi rebellion in Yemen, with its horrendous consequences for the country’s civilian population, is being instigated primarily by Iranian assistance and direction for the rebels, together with Russian growing involvement in the conflict. An end to the fighting therefore depends to a large extent on the willingness of external countries to continue their fomenting of the conflict.

Moscow, the Palestinians, and the Arab Spring that Never Was

Russia seeks to be more involved in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by presenting it as critical to the stability of the whole Middle East. But the legitimacy that it accords to Hamas rules out deeper Russian involvement from Israel’s point of view.

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