Executive Committee

The Jerusalem Institute for Strategy and Security 

Non-Profit Organization No. 580643245

Executive Committee

Dr. Danny Lamm, Chairman

President of the Zionist Federation of Australia, former President of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry, and Vice Chairman of the World Mizrachi Organization.

Brig. Gen. (res.) Moni Chorev

Former brigade, division, and IDF officer college commander.

Shmuel Huss

Deputy director general of Bright Source Energy.

David Javasky

Industrial engineering and management specialist. A director at Ayalon Insurance Company. Chairman of Eclipse Management and Consulting Ltd.

Meir Reinman

Computer systems analyst at the Israel Aircraft Industries (retired).

Mr. Greg Rosshandler

Managing Director of Peachtree Capital Pty Ltd. Anchor contributor to JISS.

Josiah Rotenberg

Financial advisor to international companies and former senior partner in an international investment fund. Chairman of the Middle East Forum in Israel.

Gideon Samuel

CEO of educational NGO Am Yisrael Ehad. MA in public administration from the Hebrew University.

Budget Committee

David Altman

Electronic Engineer. Project Manager in the computer chip field.

Philip Stein

CPA. Founder of Philip Stein & Associates.