A Policy-Oriented Think Tank Addressing Foreign Policy and National Security Issues for a Safe Israel

Eastern Mediterranean

The future of Israel’s policy in the Eastern Mediterranean...
Turkey, at least as long as the AKP is in power, cannot be considered a...
The delineation of the Libyan and Turkish Exclusive Economic Zones was and remains essential not...
Israel-Lebanon maritime talks ripple across eastern Mediterranean...
Interview by Efraim Inbar on the Eastern Mediterranean in the popular Greek publication Kathimerini ...
What is the agenda for the Eastern Mediterranean?...
A more coherent common foreign policy agenda is needed to enhance the strategic significance of...
Russia-Ukraine war: Conflict boosts hopes for East Mediterranean energy, experts say ...
Israeli expert sees US role in East Mediterranean waning...
It should be made clear to Israel's partners in the eastern Mediterranean that any (unlikely)...
The Israel-Greece alliance: Sunburned tourists and fighter jets
Dr. Eran Lerman: Israel now thinks of the...

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