A Policy-Oriented Think Tank Addressing Foreign Policy and National Security Issues for a Safe Israel


Israel must say no to a new US-Iran nuclear understanding...
A proactive approach against Iran’s proxies is needed....
It is time to revive the spirit of Ben-Gurion’s famous dictum from the days of...
A network of personalities and organizations in Russia can be said to be directly or...
It is not in America’s interest for Israel to be perceived as an obedient lap...
From Tehran’s perspective, the goals are lifting the sanctions and securing immunity from military attacks....
Why is Iran returning to the negotiating table?
Major General (res.) Yaakov Amidror's JISS article reprinted...
The American hope for the resumption of the talks, and the talks themselves, give the...
Briefing by Colonel (res.) Dr. Eran Lerman - October 17, 2021...
Even if Israel’s ability to influence US decision-making is limited, it is a serious mistake...
In DC, Israel’s top spy and security wonk face a mission impossible on Iran
Dr. Eran...
Sanctions relief, nothing else. Iran has no intention of forsaking its nuclear and missile programs...

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