A Policy-Oriented Think Tank Addressing Foreign Policy and National Security Issues for a Safe Israel

United Arab Emirates

The Abraham Accords and beyond
Prof. Efraim Inbar: It would be a strategic nightmare if Turkey...
Mideast Arms Race: Is Israel’s Qualitative Military Edge Eroding?
Prof. Efraim Inbar: Part of the price...
Progress, not peace: Breaking down the Trump-brokered deals between Israel, Arab states
Prof. Efraim Inbar:...
Briefing by JISS experts: Prof. Efraim Inbar, Maj. Gen. (res.) Yaakov Amidror, Col.(res.) Dr. Eran...
Israeli Officials Make Groundbreaking Journey to UAE
Israeli Officials Make Groundbreaking Journey to UAE...
With UAE-Israel normalization, Trump's plan finally lifts off
Col. (res.) Dr. Eran Lerman of JISS:...
Israel-UAE Deal Tips Energy Cooperation
Dr. Emmanuel Navon: The priority is to have the UAE on...
Shifting dynamics of the Mideast pushed Israel and UAE together
General Amidror: Why give the Palestinians...
On the significance of the diplomatic agreement with the UAE
Dr. Eran Lerman to i24news...
The deal is a clear win for Israel, the UAE and the US. Netanyahu gets...
Trump’s Peace Plan Rescues Benjamin Netanyahu. For Now.
General Yaakov Amidror: In the Middle East, never...
Israel’s historic peace deal with UAE could be just the beginning
Dr. Joshua Krasna:...

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