A Policy-Oriented Think Tank Addressing Foreign Policy and National Security Issues for a Safe Israel

Foreign Policy

With the world divided between a U.S.-led order of democracies on the one hand, and...
The first foreign minister to visit Greece after the swearing-in of Kyriakos Mitsotakis’ new government...
A more coherent common foreign policy agenda is needed to enhance the strategic significance of...
Minister Yisrael Katz should restore and reinvigorate the Israeli foreign service. Israel’s many recent diplomatic...
Israel's Netanyahu Embraces European Leaders With Controversial Views On Holocaust.
Dr. Emmanuel Navon: No...
How the wise use of force facilitates diplomatic processes in the Israel-Egypt-Hamas and Israel-Russia-Syria triangles...
Greece, Cyprus and Israel Consolidate their Cooperation....
Israel is part of the Mediterranean community, both in strategic terms and in many aspects...
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visits India just half a year after the first historic trip...
Over the course of 2017, Israel has secured a series of remarkable and even unprecedented...

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