A Policy-Oriented Think Tank Addressing Foreign Policy and National Security Issues for a Safe Israel


By standing up to Iran and its proxies, Israel prevents the Eastern Mediterranean from falling...
U.S. officials and former IDF commanders argue that technological measures could replace the need for...
For years, the Gaza Strip has been of secondary importance, with the General Staff focusing...
CNN's article on Gaza claims Hamas is recovering, but the IDF's actions have severely weakened...
Since 2002, we have seen repeatedly in Judea and Samaria, and again in 2005 with...
Creating a governmental alternative to Hamas in the Gaza Strip requires the destruction of Hamas’...
An enlightened government for Gaza is not available. The alternative that will ensure the greatest...
Iran's assault on Israel changed the rules of the regional game – but as Israel's...
Some Israelis fear US plans to build an off-shore pier to deliver humanitarian aid to...

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