A Policy-Oriented Think Tank Addressing Foreign Policy and National Security Issues for a Safe Israel


The Islamic Republic employs Shia proxies in Azerbaijan and the Church in Armenia to further...
With the world divided between a U.S.-led order of democracies on the one hand, and...
Turkey’s relations with Sweden and Finland are at a crossroads, and it behooves all three...
Continuing the war harms the West and endangers its battle to attain other critical strategic...
Reliable deterrence is a vital interest of the West, and developing a strategy for reliable...
The resumption of diplomatic relations with Ankara is cause for celebration, but while Erdogan is...
During Biden's upcoming visit, he plans to form a regional defense alliance at a regional...
For Israel, this is evidence that its self-reliance doctrine must be nourished with no illusions...
Erdoğan’s alliance with the Turkish nationalists at home resulted in the adoption of an aggressive...
Why Erdogan's Turkey is NATO in Name Only
Interview with Prof. Efraim Inbar...
Establishing coherent US policy regarding brewing conflict in the eastern Mediterranean should be a Biden...
Erdoğan has created a private military and paramilitary system. He deploys this apparatus for domestic...

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