A Policy-Oriented Think Tank Addressing Foreign Policy and National Security Issues for a Safe Israel


From defense spending to agriculture, water management, drip irrigation, pharmaceuticals, and the tech field, the...
With the war in Ukraine, some European diplomats and think tanks have started noticing the...
Turkey’s mending of ties with Israel, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and even to...
Iran at top of agenda during Bennett’s surprise trip to UAE, say observers...
For Erdogan, who pushes a Neo-Ottomanist blended Pan-Islamist foreign policy, making such a turnaround in...
Progress on mutual interests in spotlight as Israel FM visits UAE
Dr. Hay Eytan Cohen...
For Israel, endless electoral discord carries perils for ties with Arab world
Prof. Efraim Inbar: There...
A flurry of Middle East-related Russian diplomatic activity is noteworthy because it reflects Moscow’s multi-faceted...
The US decision to withdraw support from the battle against the Houtis in Yemen signals...
With gas alliance moored to Turkey tensions, Israel tacks toward energy security
Dr. Eran Lerman: The...
A Cold Egyptian-Israeli Peace Undermines Both Culture and Security
The old paradigm of scapegoating Israel undermines...
The desire for an end to war in Yemen is understandable. Unfortunately, however, the US...

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