A Policy-Oriented Think Tank Addressing Foreign Policy and National Security Issues for a Safe Israel


It is in America’s interest to end the war in Ukraine...
“Nem tartozunk semmivel Ukrajnának”...
It's in America's best interest to end the war in Ukraine...
It's in America's best interest to end the war in Ukraine...
Reliable deterrence is a vital interest of the West, and developing a strategy for reliable...
The Reasoning Behind Israel’s Refusal to Supply Weapons to Ukraine...
Russia-Iran drone deal is about money, not the West, Israel – analysis...
The global and regional reality created by the war strengthens Israel and enhances its international...
Russia’s Iranian drones complicate Israel’s balancing act...
With the war in Ukraine, some European diplomats and think tanks have started noticing the...
Russia’s New Naval Doctrine: A ‘Pivot to Asia’?...
The implications of Russia’s new maritime doctrine for Israel...

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