A Policy-Oriented Think Tank Addressing Foreign Policy and National Security Issues for a Safe Israel

Colonel (res.) Dr. Eran Lerman

Vice President of the Jerusalem Institute for Strategy and Security

Dr. Lerman was deputy director for foreign policy and international affairs at the National Security Council in the Israeli Prime Minister’s Office. He held senior posts in IDF Military Intelligence for over 20 years. He also served for eight years as director of the Israel and Middle East office of the American Jewish Committee. He teaches in the Middle East studies program at Shalem College in Jerusalem, and in post-graduate programs at Tel Aviv University and the National Defense College. He is an expert on Israel’s foreign relations, and on the Middle East. A third-generation Sabra, he holds a Ph.D. from the London School of Economics, and a mid-career MPA from Harvard University.

Articles by Colonel (res.) Dr. Eran Lerman

Smartphone with logo emblem flag of muslim brotherhood

The Muslim Brotherhood and its Offshoots are a Threat to the West

Events in Syria, particularly the role played by rebel militias backed by Turkey, have once again strengthened the regional camp associated with the Muslim Brotherhood. This is a matter of concern for Egypt and Jordan, as well as Israel’s Abraham Accords partners.

Syrian Civil War Anti-government forces gather around vehicles in Salamiyah

Mapping the Post-Assad Landscape

The collapse of the Assad regime weakens Iran and the CRINK Axis, but Islamist radicalism and rising Turkish influence demand Israel’s military vigilance and diplomatic engagement.

Jordanian King Abdullah II

Iranian Subversive Efforts in Jordan: A Strategic Threat Requiring a Robust Response

Against the background of Hamas’ ongoing war with Israel (and the expressions of support for it among Palestinians and Islamists in Jordan), the Iranian regime has intensified its efforts to subvert the Hashemite monarchy. The arrests in March 2024 of Iranian agents involved in smuggling arms to Muslim Brotherhood elements in Jordan are part of a campaign to counter the role of Tehran in bringing both drugs and weapons over the Syrian and Iraqi borders into Jordan. Tensions rose further over Jordan’s supportive role in foiling the Iranian attack on Israel on 14 April 2024. For the Iranian regime, the destabilization of Jordan is a vital precursor for the strategic goal of turning Judea and Samaria into “another Gaza”, as Supreme Leader ‘Ali Khamenei suggested back in 2014: hence the importance of American and Israeli support for Jordan. The stability of the Kingdom (and thus the need to reduce economic and social strains) is a vital interest of both Israel and the West.

Eran Lerman

The Israel-US-Morocco Triangle and the Potential for Cooperation in Africa – Dr. Eran Lerman, JISS

The lecture was part of the session on the Middle East Regional Powers’ Struggle in Africa at the “Africa and Israel: Building Strategic and Economic Bridges” conference held on July 2, 2024, at Tel-Aviv University. The conference is a collaboration between the S. Daniel Abraham Center for International and Regional Studies at Tel-Aviv University, the Israel-Africa Relations Institute (IAI), and the Jerusalem Institute for Strategy and Security (JISS).

Middle east map

The Game of Camps Revisited: Where are we in 2024?

As the Arab world fell apart after 2011, one way to navigate the new realities in the region was through the identification of ideological “camps”, at conflict with each other. While radical jihadists such as Islamic State (Da’esh), which was at the peak of its power a decade ago, are no longer real challengers for hegemony in the region, two other variations on the theme of Islamist totalitarianism – the Muslim Brotherhood camp, including Hamas, backed by Qatar and Turkey; and the Iranian revolutionary camp, and its proxies – are still actively seeking to overthrow the existing order, and to grow in power as the American role recedes. Facing both is the camp – loosely defined as the “camp of stability” – to which Israel belongs by right, and which acted together in foiling Iran’s attack on Israel (April 14, 2024). This mapping of the region lends the war in Gaza a broader significance: it is bound to have a long-term effect, insofar as the survival of Hamas would change the balance of power between the “camps”.

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